Crisis Management

Crisis Management

At the helm of Barkal Communications, MD and founder Ahmed Badawi stands out among other London firms by offering a unique and dynamic approach to crisis management (often called crisis communications). Through his expertise, he has successfully navigated through some of the most daunting situations, going beyond the standard vanilla experience typically credentialed by other firms in the field in London. His track record includes guiding the IFC’s investment and advisory projects in the Middle East and Africa through the complexities of crisis communications. In addition, he has also served at various times as a valued crisis communications consultant for both the Sudanese and Kenyan governments.

Now his best-in-class training – including insights gleaned from globally renowned crisis communications counsel contracted by the World Bank Group – along with practical insights invaluable hands-on learning is available for our corporate, individual, and government Barkal Communications clients.

Our multifaceted Barkal team, led by Ahmed Badawi, has an exceptional lineup of crisis consultants with whom he has collaborated. With our highly specialised skillset in managing high-profile crises of significant scale, we serve a diverse range of clients. Those sovereign, commercial, and individual entities operate at the intersection of business, public policy, geopolitical and political tensions, risk, and cultural transformation.

We recognise that during a crisis, an organisation's reputation, social and commercial standing, and market value are all at stake. Likewise, governments often face transnational challenges that can damage their international standing and hinder both their diplomatic capital and economic progress, owing to negative stakeholder perceptions. In both cases, taking decisive and strategic measures is paramount when faced with a rapidly escalating crisis and, in turn, effectively mitigate and limit lasting harm to a company, sovereign government, or individual.

We understand the gravity of precarious crisis management situations where time is of the essence.

Here at Barkal, we are fully aware of the critical nature of crisis management, where time is of the essence, and the stakes are high for our clients' reputations. And Barkal knows from our real-world experience that the way a crisis is managed can have a greater reputational impact than the actual spark of the crisis. Our experience allows us to quickly find the root issues and take decisive action to protect our clients' reputations during a crisis and, in turn, stabilise volatile situations and prevent matters from escalating beyond control.

At Barkal Communications, no crisis phases us – regardless of what befalls our clients.

And we have valuable scar tissue to prove it.

We understand the importance of being fully equipped to manage any crisis that may arise. That is why we offer comprehensive support in every aspect - from preparation, to response, and recovery. Our team is dedicated to prepping our clients beforehand, and when disaster inevitably strikes, we stand firmly by their side. Leveraging our wealth of knowledge and experience, we work diligently to minimize damage, reestablish stability, and guide our clients towards a successful future.

From start to finish, we are a trusted partner in navigating any crisis.

Managing a crisis goes beyond just influencing how people view a demanding situation, though.

It requires acknowledging that crises can still happen despite efforts to prevent them. Careful preparation and consideration of which groups will be most impacted is crucial to effectively respond to a crisis and convey tailored messages. Yet, conversely, we also understand that crisis management cannot be solely reactive, as it takes proactive preparation and vigilant monitoring to stay ahead of emerging threats.

Our services help clients foster strong relationships with stakeholders beforehand, creating open channels for effective crisis communication. When a crisis arises, we give strategic advice on how to respond and navigate the flood of scrutiny. Afterwards, we work together to analyse and learn from the experience, refining strategies for future crises.

Our approach to crisis response is an ongoing collaboration, aimed at building resilience for our clients rather than just providing disaster relief: Barkal provides the necessary knowledge and foresight for clients to not only survive the crisis, but also come out stronger with valuable scar tissue.

Our team specializes in developing unique crisis communications strategies that effectively help clients in both preparing for and navigating through tricky situations.

Key services include:

  • Utilising risk and vulnerability assessments to proactively identify potential threats to a company's reputation and strengthen crisis management strategies

  • Crafting a strategic response plan in the event of a crisis

  • Managing crisis communications through a variety of tools such as press releases, statements, Q&As, FAQs, and messaging guidance

  • Ensuring right and timely information is shared with the media and third parties and addressing any negative inquiries promptly

  • Giving expert advice on best practices and behaviours for engaging with the media during a crisis

  • Maintaining credibility, accessibility, and positive relationships with stakeholders through targeted outreach efforts

  • Offering outsourced press office and spokesperson firewall services to minimise business interruption during turbulent times

  • Continuous crisis monitoring to stay ahead of rapidly developing news stories and quickly adapt response strategies

  • Integrating crisis planning and training throughout the entity to strengthen overall preparedness

  • Strategising for reputation recovery in the aftermath of a crisis, including crafting a more positive public profile to obscure the negative theme

  • Collaborating closely with advisors or legal counsel, both in-house and external, to minimise potential legal and political ramifications for our corporate and individual clients during litigation

At Barkal Communications, we understand the importance of catering to our clients' preferences and adapting to their specific needs. That is why we offer two options for crisis management support: confidential, behind-the-scenes aid or public representation, where we engage directly with the media and external parties on our clients' behalf.

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